Tarot Describes Our Soul’s Journey
July 2015 Newsletter
What many new to the Tarot are surprised to learn is that it is comprised of a series of images which are designed specifically to depict and describe our Soul’s journey to realization, knowledge and wisdom. It is both descriptive and prescriptive. Most of us after a few decades of experience suspect that our soul is brought by spirit to embodiment here on the earth plane for a reason. Surely this earthly experience isn’t just an abysmally bad cosmic joke? For some the suffering just seems to never let up.
There must be something that embodiment reveals that our soul is unable to grasp any other way? In physical form we experience contrariness, selfishness, limitation, and suffering. We experience desire, will and decision. In spiritual terms this gets translated into force, discrimination, and magnetism. If we didn’t have an opportunity to experience the consequences of our soul-force we wouldn’t perceive the light of right purpose and co-operation. I’m sure that before we arrived here we all had just the very best of intentions to be good, to make a positive difference, to spread the word of divine love. Once we arrive of course the veil of illusion drops and we forget all those lofty celestial intentions. That first demand of hunger, pain and terror grip us and we’re off to the races figuring out how to be satiated, happy and safe.
Tarot as Sacred Text
The Tarot is rich with teachings about these spiritual laws. Be careful what you wish for is one its initial tenets! Your desires will make up the bars of your prisons. Pay attention to all your perceptions especially those that come to you through your spiritual perceptions such as dreams and visions. An in depth study of the Tarot will open these special doors of spiritual perception. And why as a divination tool it holds a special power in lighting the path that you have found yourself on in the present and the path ahead. It’s a sacred text in picture form and its guidance is life changing. You don’t have to be a reader or even necessarily want to be one to benefit from its teachings.