Dream Dictionary Online

A recent study has determined that in an 80 year life span, we spend 20 years of that dreaming. Twenty years of our embodied existence is spent in pure creativity. We breathe, we eat, drink and we dream. Most people are surprised to learn that their dreaming mind is critical to their good health, spiritual enlightenment and even longevity.


Dream Interpretation also has a long and erudite history within all the mystical traditions of the world. In the Bible for example, by successfully analyzing the Pharaoh’s dream, which prophesied seven years of bounty and seven years of famine, Joseph was granted freedom to return to his homeland.


There is a connection between the study of dreams and the study of the Tarot. Both studies draw us into an active process of translating images, feelings, impressions and insights from the unconscious, archetypal world to our mundane waking, conscious life. In psychological language this is a process whereby contents from the unconscious are invited to influence, and transform the conscious mind.


The Dream Dictionary by Kathleen Meadows, M.A.

Dreams Dictionary Dream InterpretationOur dreams reveal to us that we are so much more than we can imagine. Kathleen compiled an online Dream Symbol Dictionary several years ago to fix a gap left in the other dream dictionaries on the market.

Dream dictionaries typically offer a definition for each object, action or character in a dream, but fail to further stimulate the seeker to a critical personal association with the dream object. The question given at the end of each definition is designed to spark a process of personal and deeper work.



By following the process along with the content of the dream symbol dictionary you will learn how to become your own dream translating expert which is a critical skill likely absent from your formal educational training especially if you were schooled in the west.


Dream Interpretation by Kathleen

Kathleen also offers professional, confidential, and spiritual dream interpretations. Why would you have a dream interpretation by Kathleen?

  • The dream keeps recurring
  • You are having nightmares that wake you up and are disturbing your sleep
  • You need dream insights to help you make the wisest decisions based upon a true interpretation of the dream’s meaning
  • You need to know if someone in the spirit world really did visit you in a dream and what their message meant to you at this time in your life
  • Your dream is too complicated or you are too close to the matter to comprehend the dream’s message.


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Expect to hear back from Kathleen within 24 hrs of receipt of payment.